atop Toon Lagoon at Universal Orlando's Islands of Adventure you will find a huge replica of Dudley's signature Mountie
cap. Wow, two huge hats in one park (the other being Cat in the Hat)! Hats
of Adventure perchance? Anyway, as those who watched Rocky & Bullwinkle
know, the sinister Snidely Whiplash is always kidnapping Dudley's galpal
Nell only to be rescued by our animated hero, Dudley.
The queue begins in the mountain, where, past a ticket booth and dressing rooms, you sense another rerun is about to take place. Sure enough, once you hop on to your red Mountie log the flume ride starts like the cartoon shorts -- Snidely has taken Nell and Dudley is on top of his horse giving chase. You'll coast past oncoming trains, bad jokes and three unique and often quite wet drops. The first plunge is a theatrical classic, you bank along a railroad track where you see Nell, Dudley's horse and then Dudley's elder Mountie mentor, all "fit to be tied". Your flume continues to turn, into enclosed darkness, where you face a train heading your way. Your escape? A small yet definite drop into the darkness below.
Now if Disney World fans may liken this element to Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Bingo! The ride is in no short supply of taking satirical jabs at its neighboring theme park. At the conclusion, in which you dip 75 feet into an exploding dynamite shack only to shoot back up, you float past a jailed Snidely -- trying to lure the cell key from a fluffy pet in "Pirates of the Caribbean" style. While waiting in line you will see mock posters for "Paw Wars" and "Three Men and a Grizzly" like Disney has done up at Muppetvision and It's Tough to be a Bug. You even have a Country Bear Jamboree-esque sideshow where a mounted Bear and Beaver exchange punchlines.
You will get wet on this ride, that's a given. But you're not safe even after you done. You will probably also get wet leaving the ride since the exit passes under the soak-filled finale. An interesting thing about that drop, the world's largest flume plunge, is that it starts at a steady angle and gets steeper as the drop progresses. It's an impressive trick where you feel as if you will almost be lifted off your log. You won't, because a Mountie always gets his man -- but not always his girl. (You must be 44 inches to ride -- Also, the exit path is slippery so walk out carefully.)
Baby Swap -- This one is a bit tricky to find. The attendant will guide you there no problem. It's by the ride's exit and it's an enclosed air-conditioned room with all the typical amenities. The key here is for the first riders not to miss it on the way out. At the ride's exit you can go up the ramp to the exit OR you can go down the ramp to the Baby Swap Room -- which is down the ramp and to your left.
Stay onsite at Portofino Bay Hotel
Stay onsite at Hard Rock Hotel
Stay onsite at Royal Pacific Resort
By booking your stay at one of the three onsite resorts at Universal Orlando in Florida you will not only be staying a short walk or complimentary boat ride from the park -- you will also receive the Universal Express benefit to avoid long lines and get on your favorite rides like this one quickly.
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